Friday, January 2, 2009

Welcome to The Western Hindu!

Hi, and welcome to the inaugural post of The Western Hindu!

Thanks for stopping by!

The aim for this blog is to create a home for honest and open discourse on Hindu Spirituality for those of us who follow the path of Sat, Chit, Annanda and to assist each other to grow and develop in a community spirit of support and nourishment.

My motivation came from a recent invitation by a friend to join The Tao Bums forum. For those of you who are not familiar with it, The Tao Bums is a place for lively discussion on all things Tao and Tai Chi. When I went looking for a similar creature related to Hindu discussion, very little seemed to appear in the search engines.

The thing I love about The Tao Bums is the opportunity it affords to people to make contact with others of a similar bent from all over the planet. It provides a platform for discussion and growth. In the spirit of The Tao Bums, it is hoped that all casts and creeds will be welcome at The Western Hindu, and that it will afford us all the opportunity to broaden and deepen our own views of what Spirituality is, and how to live out our Sadhana in the society we inhabit at the time.

For my part, Spirituality is the only game in town, and all other things are a reflection of it. I have had the blessing of being exposed to a variety of teachings over the years, and have walked a path that has ultimately led me to the source of all life and experience: my Self.

In this initial phase, I am happy to pick a topic that seems to be a reflection of my current experience of life, and invite feedback from others about it. I certainly do not wish to put myself up as some sort of 'Guru'. When it comes to the development of the soul - we are always at the beginning... Like others (I assume) that will use this forum and leave comments here, I often find myself grappling with issues that invite clarification and reflection.

Of course, this is not meant to be a one-sided affair. The aim here is to grow a community of folks with just as much input as I have. So, please, feel very free to leave your comments and such. In time (when I can sort out how), I will install a forum to facilitate this process. (If there are any readers out there who know to install a forum, please let me know. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated... ;) )

So, in this spirit, I offer you The Western Hindu. I hope that you will enjoy your time here. As the friend of mine who invited me to join The Tao Bums offers as a welcome new members over there:

Welcome, take a seat. How do you like your tea?

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!

    Excellent blog Mr Russ!

    I like green tea of course! Have you any Oolong?

    May good thoughts come to us from every side, pure, unobstructed, overflowing. May we, O Devas, with our ears hear what is good. Holy ones, may we see with our eyes what is good.

    Rig Veda
